Slipknot’s Sid Wilson is recovering from severe burns after an explosion left him hospitalized. His chilling account...
Zac Efron sparked a stir online with his striking appearance at the Venice Film Festival, which comes...
Two young Dutch women set out for adventure in Panama, but their journey turned into a chilling...
Besides showing off her huge diamond engagement ring at Italy’s annual festival, netizens speculated that Lady Gaga...
A man suddenly decides to call it quits with his wife after 16 years. Their son chooses...
My husband and I are busy but have been trying to be more involved in family activities....
James Darren, the beloved teen idol from the “Gidget” films, has left behind not just a legacy...
Lady Gaga appears happy in her long-term relationship with her fiancé, after announcing their engagement during the...
While some people think Kevin Costner’s orange hair suits him well, others feel differently, urging the star...
Johnny Depp followers got a glimpse of him on August 30, 2024, when Lorraine’s Cafe & High...