In San Francisco, California, a funeral service took an unusual turn when a widow approached her late...
A 7-year-old boy brings a miracle to the life of a homeless man on Christmas Eve through...
For months, Spencer walks past a homeless man outside a café, thinking there is something familiar about...
Despite being a struggling single mom, I had to help the elderly woman I found out in...
A trashman struggling to raise his twin daughters alone adopts an abandoned blind baby he finds near...
I hired the same Santa actor to come to our house for three years straight. But it...
When Paul finally became a father after years of infertility struggles, he was overjoyed. But when he...
I never expected that my Saturday morning would begin with a phone call that would completely throw...
When my 9-year-old daughter Lily asked what Santa might bring her this year, my mother-in-law, Pamela, told...
When Brendon’s mother-in-law, Susan, sees the Christmas present pile under the tree, she immediately wants to take...